Thursday, June 12, 2008

2008 Pontiac G8 GT vs. 2008 Dodge Charger R/T


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via Car and Driver Blog by on 5/27/08

A Double Dip of That Old-Time Religion: Testifyin' in a holy-roller showdown at the church of the big-inch V-8.


You may recall, ye disciples of wheelspin, that cars such as these—middle-class American sedans with big ol' American pushrod V-8 engines—were once quite common. They were everywhere, and dads who brought home new cars with six cylinders risked excommunication by their teenage sons. It was the era of cheap fuel and four-barrel carbs, when domestic automakers sought to get us all to worship at the Temple of Torque. And this policy met with widespread success.

It's no secret that this Old-Time Religion (OTR) is in decline today, the congregations drifting away, scattered by concerns about the price of fuel, concerns about where the fuel comes from, and concerns about the consequences of burning that fuel.

Whatever your CO2 position may be, it seems clear that there probably won't be many more cars like these two. NASCAR's so-called stock cars notwithstanding, Ford no longer acknowledges the Church of the Big Inch, at least not in sedans with any pretense of fun-to-drive. Only Chrysler and GM have four-doors that qualify for OTR vestments, and we've gathered this pair for side-by-side services, to see which does a more convincing job delivering the gospel.


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